Workshop Overview

Pervasive Communities and Service Clouds Workshop
held in conjunction with 9th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 2011 (PerCom 2011)
Seattle, USA
March 21, 2011
The 1st IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Communities and Service Clouds aims to discuss and present research challenges, state-of-the-art technologies, and advanced research of cloud computing and services to support pervasive communities. Pervasive computing technologies support applications for user communities greatly. These user communities are pervasive communities. Service clouds offer services, applications, platforms and infrastructure with cloud computing technologies in order to enhance computation and data management capacities in pervasive computing environments. The PerCoSC'11 Workshop topics cover a wide spectrum relevant to cloud computing, pervasive computing technologies, and pervasive community services and applications.
Powered by pervasive computing technologies, pervasive communities create, manage and share data at any time anywhere. High cost and complexity on the data management level raise problems and also brings new challenges on collecting and utilization of multimedia, context, location and other sensor data from the physical environment with high interactivity. Service clouds will be promising solutions to real-time context and multimedia information processing to offer pervasive communities better user experiences. Cloud computing unlocks computing resources and data storage from devices and opens new classes of applications for pervasive communities.
Goals of the Workshop
The First International Workshop on Pervasive Communities and Service Clouds aims to offer researchers, Ph.D. students, and practitioners a forum to present and discuss research advances and challenges related to cloud computing support for pervasive communities. The workshop aims to enable the sharing of insights and experiences related to the development and use of cloud computing technologies for supporting pervasive communities. Thus, how cloud computing technologies interact with and benefit pervasive computing will be explored.