

HiWi Job for supporting the SAFERWATER Project

February 18th, 2025

Job Type HiWi
Extent 10-15h
Status Open
Contact(s) Laurenz Neumann

For the upcoming BMBF-funded Saferwater Project, we are looking for a HiWi to support the deployment of our Decentralized Analysis Software and assisting in the development of new features. (10h/week)
The SAFERWATER project addresses major challenges in water management, such as climate change, population growth, and increasing cyber threats to critical infrastructure. It focuses on modernizing dams and water supply systems while leveraging digitalisation to enhance security and efficiency.
The scope of our team will be providing our decentralized analytics platform “PADME”, allowing to securely train models on data sources from different actors in the water economy and management, keeping data sovereignty intact. Further, we want to incorporate heterogeneous data in the form of knowledge graphs to ease data querying and reduce complexity for running decentralized analytic workflows.

  • Proficiency in software development with Javascript
  • Experience with docker
  • Basic experience in frontend development
  • Nice to have: Experience in development with Java

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