Call for Papers: Semantics in Dataspaces (SDS25) @ESWC 2025
9. January 2025You are cordially invited to contribute to our upcoming workshop, The Third International Workshop on Semantics in Dataspaces (SDS 2025), on 01 or 02 June 2025, to be held in conjunction with ESWC25 in Portoroz, Slovenia.
Best Academic Reviewer Award at the iLRN 2024
8. July 2024Benedikt Hensen has been honored for the second year in a row with the “Best Academic Reviewer Award” at the 10th International Conference on the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2024) which was held at the University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland.
Call for Papers: LLMs4MI2024 Workshop in Dubai
2. July 2024Join us at the 1st International Workshop on Large Language Models Applications in Medical Informatics (LLMs4MI2024) to explore the transformative potential of advanced LLMs like GPT-4 in healthcare. Submit your papers to contribute to cutting-edge discussions on leveraging LLMs for clinical decision support, medical literature analysis, predictive analytics, and more.
Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. rer.pol. Matthias Jarke
22. March 2024Die Fachgruppe Informatik der RWTH Aachen trauert um Herrn Prof. Dr. rer.pol. Matthias Jarke, der am 21.3.2024 im Alter von 71 Jahren viel zu früh von uns gegangen ist. Mit ihm verlieren wir eine herausragende Persönlichkeit, die die Entwicklung der Informatik an unserer Universität, in Deutschland und weltweit über Jahrzehnte maßgeblich geprägt und vorangetrieben hat.
Special Honorable Mention at ICWL 2023
4. December 2023Alexander Neumann and Aaron Conrardy, from the Chair of Databases and Information Systems at RWTH Aachen University, have been honored with a “Special Honorable Mention” Award at the 22nd International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2023) held in Sydney, Australia, from November 26th to 28th, 2023.
Best Paper Application Award at MIS4TEL 2023
31. August 2023Benedikt Hensen and Konstantin Kühlem have been awarded the “Best Paper Application Award” at the 13th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL) for their work “Collaborative Learning in Mixed Reality using WebXR and H5P”.
Best Academic Reviewer Award at the iLRN 2023
17. August 2023Benedikt Hensen has been honored with the “Best Academic Reviewer Award” at the 9th International Conference on the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2023) which was held at the California Polytechnic State University in San Lius Obispo, CA, USA.
Best Paper Award at the 2023 European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC)
28. June 2023Lasse Nitz and Avikarsha Mandal have been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 2023 European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference in Stavanger, Norway (June 14th – 15th) for their work “DGA Detection Using Similarity-Preserving Bloom Encodings”.
“Semantics in Dataspaces” Workshop at TheWebConf 2023 in Texas
23. May 2023Johannes Theissen-Lipp and Stefan Decker from i5 hosted the full-day “Semantics in Dataspaces” workshop at ACM’s The Web Conference in Austin, Texas, on 30 April 2023!
i5 ‘Eat Pasta Run Fasta’ Team at RWTH Campuslauf 2023
8. May 2023The RWTH Campuslauf 2023 kicked off the summer semester with a burst of team spirit and friendly competition. Among the many participants were Sascha Welten and Alexander Neumann, members of the i5 group, who proudly represented their team, “Eat Pasta Run Fasta,” at the event.