

Best Paper Application Award at MIS4TEL 2023

August 31st, 2023

Benedikt Hensen and Konstantin Kühlem have been awarded the “Best Paper Application Award” at the 13th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL) for their work “Collaborative Learning in Mixed Reality using WebXR and H5P”.

The paper presents a study about a Web-based collaborative mixed reality system called Realitybox Collab. It allows students to connect to a shared mixed reality session in their browser. This way, the mixed reality experience can be embedded into learning management systems like Moodle. The project is open-source and can be found on GitHub: In the subsequent user study, the usability and impact onto the collaborative learning activities of students was evaluated. The paper is published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series: