Technology Enhanced Learning
MILKI-PSY – Multimodales Immersives Lernen mit KI für Psychomotorische Fähigkeiten
MILKI-PSY aims to create AI-powered, data-rich, multimodal, immersive learning environments for independent learning of psychomotor skills. In doing so, a cross-domain approach is emerging that enables multimodal recording of expert activities and using these recordings as blueprints for learners. With the help of AI-supported analyses, learning progress is to be supported through automated error detection […]MyEduLife – The blockchain as a tool for decentralized storage of individual continuing education biographies
MyEduLife is intended to create a transparent, comparable, verified, and networked option for documenting professional development activities in accordance with data protection and ethical requirements.The documentation of learning biographies takes place in an application (wallet), which ensures traceability and authenticity through a distributed system (blockchain technology). The qualifications acquired in the curriculum vitae can thus […]tech4compKI – Personalisierte Kompetenzentwicklung und hybrides KI-Mentoring
„Personalisierte Kompetenzentwicklung durch skalierbare Mentoringprozesse – tech4comp“ ist eines von derzeit neun Projekten, die in der Förderlinie „Innovationspotenziale digitaler Hochschulbildung“ in interdisziplinären Forschungskonsortien didaktische, technologische und organisationale Gestaltungsaspekte der Hochschulbildung beleuchten und so zur nachhaltigen Veränderung der Hochschullandschaft beitragen werden.TrainSpot2 – Train-the-Trainer-HotSpot der Nationalen Bildungsplattform im Bereich der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung
RWTH-Teilvorhaben: Sozio-technische Systemgestaltung des Train-the-Trainer-HotSpots der NBPVIAProMa
A Collaborative Mixed Reality Visualization Framework for Immersive Analytics
Web Science
Open Source P2P-based Community Service PlatformSocial Bot Framework
A Web-based, model-driven framework for creating social bots for RESTful Web applications.WebOCD
An open-source collection of overlapping community detection algorithms, quality measures, and data sets with a web interface.
Internet Information Systems & Community Hosting
Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production
As the basis for the transfer of Aachen production technology into the age of the fourth industrial revolution, the next important milestone for the further creation of application-oriented and innovative solutions in the field of production technology is now on the agenda of the new Cluster. The IoP offers real-time, secure information availability of all […]XRealiSE
Search for Unity mixed reality components on GitHub.
FAIR Data and Distributed Analytics
FAIR Data Spaces
Kompetenznetz Datentreuhandmodelle [K-Netz_DTM]
NFDI4DS is a national research data infrastructure for Data Science and AI project. The overarching objective of the project is the development, establishment, and sustainment of a national research data infrastructure (NFDI) for the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence community in Germany.NFDI4Health
Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für personenbezogene Gesundheitsdaten
Artificial Intelligence
Completed projects
The completed projects are listed on a separate page.