Courses offered in SS 24
Data Stream Management and Analysis
In many fields today data is produced continuously, potentially unbounded, and at high rates, which is termed as data stream. Applications in smart manufacturing, aerospace, particle physics, or stock exchange trading have a high demand to handle and analyze the massive data streams created. Due to their challenging characteristics specific technologies and methods for data […]Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
Die Vorlesung “Datenbanken und Informationssysteme” gibt einen einführenden Überblick über Datenbanken und ihre Verwendung in Informationssystemen.Knowledge Graph Lab SS 2024
Knowledge Graphs are large graphs used to capture information about the real world in such a way that is is useful for applications. In these data structures, there are all sorts of entities (for example, people, events, places, organizations, etc.). Knowledge Graphs are used by many organizations to represent the information they need for their […]Knowledge Graphs Seminar
Knowledge Graphs are large graphs used to capture information about the real world in such a way that is is useful for applications. In these data structures, there are all sorts of entities (for example, people, events, places, organizations, etc.). Knowledge Graphs are used by many organizations to represent the information they need for their […]Mixed Reality Lab
Mixed Reality is a continuum of spatial computing experiences on virtual, augmented and extended reality devices, such as the Microsoft HoloLens 2, the HTC Vive Pro, Meta Quest 2 and Android smartphones. In this lab, we learn the basics of mixed reality software development in independent project work that student groups can propose and elaborate.Seminar Data Stream Management and Analysis
Low-cost sensors and high communication bandwidths open up new possibilities for applications that benefit from a high amount of data. Such applications produce data continuously, potentially unbounded, and at high rates, which is subsumed under the term data stream. Examples for applications fields are smart manufacturing, high-speed trading, fraud detection, robotics, or social networks. Data […]Seminar Privacy and Big Data
This seminar is about new and emerging approaches to adjust and balance privacy and utility in data intensive applications, such as information retrieval, data mining and personalisation. These new approaches have the potential to enable a new generation of privacy-enabled services which are not focused on maximizing the collection of user data. Instead these new […]Web Science Seminar
Web Science is an advanced interdisciplinary field that intersects computer science, mathematics, sociology, economics, and other fields. This seminar explores aspects of the World Wide Web, focusing on cutting-edge research in Web Analytics, Web Engineering, and aspects of Web Science that may lead to thesis topics for students. The seminar covers a variety of areas […]
Courses planned for the upcoming semester (WS 24/25)
Knowledge Graphs Seminar
Knowledge Graphs are large graphs used to capture information about the real world in such a way that is is useful for applications. In these data structures, there are all sorts of entities (for example, people, events, places, organizations, etc.). Knowledge Graphs are used by many organizations to represent the information they need for their […]Mixed Reality Lab
Mixed Reality is a continuum of spatial computing experiences on virtual, augmented and extended reality devices, such as the Microsoft HoloLens 2, the HTC Vive Pro, Meta Quest 2 and Android smartphones. In this lab, we learn the basics of mixed reality software development in independent project work that student groups can propose and elaborate.Semantic Web
As part of the W3C Semantic Web initiative standards and technologies have been developed for machine-readable exchange of data, information and knowledge on the Web. These standards and technologies are increasingly being used in applications and have already led to a number of exciting projects (e.g. DBpedia, semantic wiki or commercial applications such as, […]Seminar Artificial Intelligence in Circular Economy Applications
This seminar offers a collaborative and research-focused exploration of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be effectively employed to address challenges within the circular economy. Students will actively contribute by conducting their own research and presenting their findings.Seminar Data Ecosystems
Organizations in many domains, such as manufacturing or healthcare, have a huge demand to exchange data to enable new services, drive research and innovation, or improve patient care.Hence, organizations require alliance-driven infrastructures capable of supporting controlled data exchange across diverse stakeholders and transparent data management. Data Ecosystems are distributed, open, and adaptive information systems with […]Seminar Large Language Models – UCD-driven Metrics and Benchmarks
The development of a user-centered quality metric for the outputs of large language models in corporate contexts addresses a key challenge: How can the quality and relevance of AI-powered systems be effectively evaluated and enhanced to optimally meet the specific requirements of companies and their employees? The motivation for this research concept stems from the […]Seminar Privacy and Big Data
This seminar is about new and emerging approaches to adjust and balance privacy and utility in data intensive applications, such as information retrieval, data mining and personalisation. These new approaches have the potential to enable a new generation of privacy-enabled services which are not focused on maximizing the collection of user data. Instead these new […]
Working Groups
Intelligent Distributed Systems
Intelligent Distributed SystemsAdvanced Community Information Systems
We are using state-of-the-art techniques of software engineering for the specifications of requirements, design, and for implementation. We practice teamwork techniques and use high-end hardware and software. For our group communication, we use the BSCW system and Moodle (prior TikiWiki).
Specialization Areas
Themenbereiche für eine Prüfung im Vertiefungsgebiet Informatik:
- Einführung in Datenbanken
- Implementierung von Datenbanken
- Informationssysteme
- Wissensbasierte Systeme
- Spezialvorlesungen aus den Bereichen Dokumentenmanagement, Electronic Commerce, CSCW & Groupware, deduktive Datenbanken, objektorientierte Datenbanken, Wissensrepräsentation, natürlichsprachliche Schnittstellen, Logikprogrammierung, sowie Informationssystem-Anwendungen in Büro, Ingenieurwissenschaften und Medizin