


Matthias Jarke Re-Elected as Chair of Board of Governors Chair TH Köln

17. March 2023
On March 15, 2023, NRW Minister of Culture and Science Ina Brandes reappointed Professor Matthias Jarke to the Board of Governors (Hochschulrat) of Cologne University of Applied Technology Arts, and Sciences (TH Köln) for the period 2023-2028. On March 15, the newly appointed board re-elected him for a second period as Chairman of the Board.

Der Lehrstuhl Informatik 5 trauert um Ralf Klamma

30. January 2023
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ralf Klamma ist im Alter von 55 Jahren nach schwerer Krankheit am 23. Januar 2023 verstorben.

Second Place in the Serious Games Competition of the Games and Learning Alliance Conference 2022

15. December 2022
Our augmented reality learning game “Tower Learn” by Benedikt Hensen, Anna Perret, Yanxi Liu, Emilie Hastrup-Kiil, Julian Staab and Ralf Klamma has won the second place in the student category of the GALA 2022 Serious Games Competition out of 45 submissions. We presented the serious game at the GALA conference in Tampere, Finland.

b-it Celebrates 20th Anniversary

7. December 2022
The Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (b-it) celebrated its twentieth anniversary with a festive colloquium November 23, 2022. b-it was founded in 2002 by Prof. Matthias Jarke together with Prof. Armin Cremers (University of Bonn) in order to revive the brain gain of outstanding international students to Germany and to pioneer formal research-oriented study ...

Poster Presentation at the SMITH Science Day 2022

24. November 2022
On November 23th, we have presented our concepts, applications, and user experiences about the Personal Health Train during the SMITH Science Day 2022 hosted by the university hospital Aachen and organised by the SMITH consortium.

Best paper award for the paper on Scoring-based DOM Content Selection with Discrete Periodicity Analysis at the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)

20. September 2022
Best paper award for the paper on Scoring-based DOM Content Selection with Discrete Periodicity Analysis at the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)

ACIS Barbecue

22. July 2022
At the end of the lecture period, the ACIS group met for the annual barbecue on July 15, 2022.

Dissertation Writing Workshop at Dagstuhl

22. July 2022
During the workshop and far away from everyday business, the participants worked on the form, content, and fine-tuning of scientific papers such as research papers or dissertations. The main goal is to produce publishable texts that have been pre-reviewed by advanced doctoral students participating in the workshop.

Europe Region Special Section of CACM Co-Edited by Prof. Jarke

22. March 2022
Every three years, Communications of the ACM, the flagship journal of the world’s largest computer science association, publishes a Special Section on important IT advances in a large world region. Professors Jessia Cauchard (Ben Gurion University, Israel), Matthias Jarke (RWTH Aachen University and Fraunhofer FIT), and Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Association, Spain) were invited by CACM ...

Kickoff for Culture Domain within GAIA-X Hub Germany

4. February 2022
On January 20, 2022, the (virtual) kickoff meeting of the working group Culture and Creative Industries within the GAIA-X Hub Germany brought together about 80 participants from politics (at federal, state, and city level), science, cultural institutions and associations, and creative industry representatives interested in promoting value creation and sharing by sovereign data exchange according ...