Courses offered in SS 25
In many fields today data is produced continuously, potentially unbounded, and at high rates, which is termed as data stream. Applications in smart manufacturing, aerospace, particle physics, or stock exchange trading have a high demand to handle and analyze the massive data streams created. Due to their challenging characteristics specific technologies and methods for data […]
Inhalt Die Anforderungen an den Datenaustausch im World Wide Web haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stetig verändert. Anfangs konsumierten die Nutzer nur manuell ausgewählte Inhalte. Durch Trends wie IoT und Industrie 4.0 ist die Datenmenge exponentiell gestiegen, aber Suchmaschinen wie Google helfen dabei. Durch Social Media können Menschen auch selbst Inhalte produzieren und mit […]
Knowledge Graphs are large graphs used to capture information about the real world in such a way that is is useful for applications. In these data structures, there are all sorts of entities (for example, people, events, places, organizations, etc.). Knowledge Graphs are used by many organizations to represent the information they need for their […]
Knowledge Graphs are large graphs used to capture information about the real world in such a way that is is useful for applications. In these data structures, there are all sorts of entities (for example, people, events, places, organizations, etc.). Knowledge Graphs are used by many organizations to represent the information they need for their […]
Mixed Reality is a continuum of spatial computing experiences on virtual, augmented and extended reality devices, such as the Microsoft HoloLens 2, the HTC Vive Pro, Meta Quest 3 and Android smartphones. In this lab, we learn the basics of mixed reality software development in independent project work that student groups can propose and elaborate.
This seminar will discuss the baseline technologies and concepts of the web 3 such as Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Tokenization, Self-sovereign identity, etc. as well as its applications e.g. in a Metaverse. After the seminar the participants will understand the Web3 Basics and will be able to develop concepts for new Web3 Applications.