

Job Offers

These are the current job openings at i5:

Staff jobs

  • Mehrere Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)

    Der Lehrstuhl Informatik 5 (Informationssysteme und Datenbanken) unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Stefan Decker befasst sich mit der formalen Analyse, prototypischen Entwicklung und praktischen Erprobung von Informationssystemen. Sie sollen die verteilte Erstellung, Integration und Evolution daten-intensiver Informatikanwendungen qualitätsorientiert dokumentieren und koordinieren. Konkrete Themengebiete sind Informationssysteme in den Ingenieurwissenschaften, in der technologie-gestützten Lehre und im Semantic […]
  • Several Research Assistants (m/f/d)

    The Chair of Computer Science 5 (Information Systems and Databases), headed by Prof. Dr. Stefan Decker, is concerned with the formal analysis, prototypical development, and practical testing of information systems. Your task is to document and coordinate the distributed creation, integration, and evolution of data-intensive computer science applications in a quality-oriented manner. Specific subject areas […]
  • Wireless network developers

    Fraunhofer FIT in cooperation with RWTH is are looking for skilled people interested in taking on the often not only technical task of ‘Connecting the Unconnected’. See for more details on our work. Our focus is on ‘applied research’. You can work on your MSc or PhD or simply drive exciting projects forward. But, […]

Student jobs