

Kategorie: ‘Courses’

Social Computing Seminar

December 3rd, 2021 | by

Social Computing is an area of computer science that is concerned with the intersection of social behavior and computational systems. It is based on creating or recreating social conventions and social contexts through the use of software and technology. In this seminar we explore recent topics in social computing like Social Bots, Fake News, Filter Bubbles, Socio-political campaigns, Shit & Candy Storms, Social Augmented and Virtual Reality, Gamification, Serious Games, Science 2.0

Data Science in Medicine

December 3rd, 2021 | by

Health data analytics is one of the main drivers for the future of medicine. Various sources of big data, including patient records, diagnostic images, genomic data, wearable sensors, are being generated in our everyday life by health care practitioners, researchers, and patients themselves. Data science aims to identify patterns, discovering the underlying cause of diseases and well being by analyzing this data.

Data Stream Management and Analysis

December 3rd, 2021 | by

In many fields today data is produced continuously, potentially unbounded, and at high rates, which is termed as data stream. Applications in smart manufacturing, aerospace,  particle physics, or stock exchange trading have a high demand to handle and analyze the massive data streams created. Due to their challenging characteristics specific technologies and methods for data management and analysis have been developed. In this course, you will get a deep understanding of these principles and techniques, such as query processing and optimization or data stream mining.

Mixed Reality Lab

December 3rd, 2021 | by

Mixed Reality is a continuum of spatial computing experiences on virtual, augmented and extended reality devices, such as the Microsoft HoloLens, the HTC Vive, and mobile phones. In this lab, we learn the basics of mixed reality software development in hands-on lessons with practical tasks. The lab contains a small independent project student groups can propose and work on.

Algorithmen für die Entdeckung von Communities in sozialen Netzwerken

December 3rd, 2021 | by

In diesem Proseminar werden sogenannte Overlapping Community Detection Algorithms (OCDA) mittels eines multi-perspektivischen Kriterienkatalogs untersucht. Neben klassischen informatischen Kriterien wie Korrektheit, Laufzeit und Speicherplatzverbrauch werden Kriterien wie Genauigkeit und Güte der gewonnen Information, aber auch die Anwendbarkeit auf bestimmte Formen sozialer Netzwerke (assoziativ und dissassoziativ) eingesetzt. Die Bewertungen werden beispielsweise durch Spinnendiagramme visualisiert. Das Proseminar bietet neben der üblichen Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten spannende neue Formen des kollaborativen Forschen und Publizieren auf dem Web geübt. So werden die fachlichen Themen in Zweiergruppen mittels einer Wiki-Buch Plattform erarbeitet. Zusätzlich werden Gruppen zum fachlichen Begutachten, zum Web-Design und zur Animation von Algorithmen gebildet. Die Ergebnisse des Proseminars werden daher nicht in einer Schublade verschwinden, sondern auf dem Web als Open Content publiziert.

Knowledge Graphs Praktikum

December 3rd, 2021 | by

Knowledge Graphs are large graphs used to capture information about the real world in such a way that is is useful for applications. In these data structures, there are all sorts of entities (for example, people, events, places, organizations, etc.).
Knowledge Graphs are used by many organizations to represent the information they need for their operations. The most well-known example is Google, where a knowledge graph is used to enrich the search results. Also personal assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Google Now, as well as question answering systems such as IBM Watson, make use of knowledge graphs to provide information to their users.

Data Visualisation and Analytics

November 30th, 2021 | by

This course provides participants with a comprehensive and versatile toolbox of data visualisation and analysis methods, which can be transferred to a vast number of applications.

Algorithmen für die Entdeckung von Communities in sozialen Netzwerken

November 30th, 2021 | by

In diesem Proseminar werden sogenannte Overlapping Community Detection Algorithms (OCDA) mittels eines multi-perspektivischen Kriterienkatalogs untersucht. Neben klassischen informatischen Kriterien wie Korrektheit, Laufzeit und Speicherplatzverbrauch werden Kriterien wie Genauigkeit und Güte der gewonnen Information, aber auch die Anwendbarkeit auf bestimmte Formen sozialer Netzwerke (assoziativ und dissassoziativ) eingesetzt. Die Bewertungen werden beispielsweise durch Spinnendiagramme visualisiert. Das Proseminar bietet neben der üblichen Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten spannende neue Formen des kollaborativen Forschen und Publizieren auf dem Web geübt. So werden die fachlichen Themen in Zweiergruppen mittels einer Wiki-Buch Plattform erarbeitet. Zusätzlich werden Gruppen zum fachlichen Begutachten, zum Web-Design und zur Animation von Algorithmen gebildet. Die Ergebnisse des Proseminars werden daher nicht in einer Schublade verschwinden, sondern auf dem Web als Open Content publiziert.

High-tech Entrepreneurship and new Media

November 30th, 2021 | by

The lab course combines tutorials and guest lectures on the development of complex information products with practical experience in start-ups on specific and typical IT-related problems of the companies taking part in the lab. Integrated into the concept of this course is the development of presentation and other soft skills. Every winter term we offer projects from local and international start-ups.

Semantic Web

November 24th, 2021 | by

As part of the W3C Semantic Web initiative standards and technologies have been developed for machine-readable exchange of data, information and knowledge on the Web. These standards and technologies are increasingly being used in applications and have already led to a number of exciting projects (e.g. DBpedia, semantic wiki or commercial applications such as, OpenCalais, or Google’s KnowledgeGraph). The module provides a theoretically grounded and practically oriented introduction to this area.