Kategorie: ‘Jobs’
HiWi Position for Blockchain Projects
Das Fraunhofer Blockchain Labor sucht Studenten, die Interesse an der Mitarbeit in verschiedenen Blockchain Projekten haben. Die Arbeiten können in Aachen, Sankt Augustin (bei Bonn) oder in der Koordinierungsstelle des Blockchain Reallabors in Hürth (Köln) durchgeführt werden.
HiWi Position for Student Helper for IDB 2021
We are looking for a hiwi student in the role of a student helper for the lecture Implementation in Databases for the coming winter semester 2021. Primary tasks include the correction of assignment sheets, helping in the exercise sessions and the organization of the final exam. The duration of the hiwi job is between 10 -12 hours per week and the duration of the contract is until the end of this current semester. Evaluations will start immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
HiWi Position – Web Developer for Requirements Bazaar
Showcase and extend your coding abilities!
HiWi Positions – Open Source Peer-to-Peer Community Service Platform
Showcase and extend your coding abilities!