Social Bots (software robots) are computer algorithms that automatically produce content and interact with humans on social media. This thesis will utilize bots in learning management systems (LMSs) and aims to assist students during their course.
Thesis Type |
Student |
Leonardo da Matta |
Status |
Finished |
Proposal on |
23/11/2020 1:30 pm |
Proposal room |
Online |
Presentation on |
05/05/2021 1:30 pm |
Presentation room |
Online |
Supervisor(s) |
Ralf Klamma |
Advisor(s) |
Alexander Neumann |
Contact | |
In our currently running project tech4comp, we focus on scalable mentoring processes. To support mentors with the tools they need to provide adaptive and personalized tutoring, a set of learning services was developed and is currently under development. These services utilize our flagship peer-to-peer community platform las2peer. At our chair, we developed a Social Bot Framework, which allows for a model-driven construction and utilization of social bots in the domain of technology enhanced learning (TEL). We collect multimodal data and store them in a learning record store (LRS). With the latest enhancements, the bot is able to perform Moodle quizzes within a conversational channel (Slack or Rocket.Chat).
The goal of this work is to use the existing framework and create a mentoring bot that can interact within the LMS and support teachers. The bot should be able to recognize the problems of the users in forums and also offer suitable literature/solutions or identify already correct solution proposals. In addition, the bot should be able to follow the course of discussions in a forum between several users. Therefore the existing framework should be adjusted accordingly to create bots that can communicate with groups (group chat/forum posts). Additionally, the framework will be evaluated using existing las2peer-based community applications and LMSs (e.g. Moodle).
If you are interested in this thesis, please do not hesitate to send a message to
Must: Java and JavaScript
Nice: Web Technologies
tech4comp - Personalisierte Kompetenzentwicklung durch skalierbare Mentoringprozesse
Social Bot Framework