

Thesis Projects

Information about Diploma/Master thesis process

Open Theses

Running Theses

  • Impact analysis of EV charging station-related attacks on the distribution grid

    The growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is reshaping power grids by introducing cybersecurity challenges that could be exploited to target both the EV and the power grid. This thesis focuses on  vulnerabilities associated with EV charging and the effects of cyberattacks on grid stability and resilience. Of particular interest is the Open Charge Point ...
  • Interactive Guides with Mixed Reality Agents and Large Language Models

    Conveying information in a tour traditionally either requires a real human or an audio recording. However, the human guide might not always be available and the quality in the tours varies. With audio recordings, extra care has to be taken to convey to the user which element is currently being talked about since there are ...
  • The Role of Virtual Agents in Supporting the Method of Loci for Enhanced Memorization Techniques

    Learning content by heart can be facilitated by the method of Loci. In this mnemonic technique, the learner converts pieces of information into mental imagery. The imagined representations are then anchored in a location. If the learner then traverses a path through this location, the information can be remembered by recalling the mental imagery. However, ...
  • Immersive Vocabulary Learning with Large Language Models

    The emergence of large language models (LLMs), along with recent advances in mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR), enable new opportunities for applying virtual agents in education. These simulated humans can imitate real-life situations and interactions with native speakers, which leads to an immersive and engaging learning experience. Especially in VR, interactions can be ...
  • Evaluating Visualizations for Human-LLM Interactions in an Academic Teaching Context

    Large Language Models (LLM) can be applied to transform a natural language (NL)-based text input query into a NL-based text answer. A common use case are personal assistants, e.g., for learning activities. In such teaching contexts they can process knowledge recorded in plain text documents, create summarizations, or teach knowledge according to a curriculum. However, ...

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