Thesis Projects
Information about Diploma/Master thesis process
Open Theses
Aim of the Thesis:
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to design, implement, and evaluate a blockchain-based escrow mechanism to support secure and transparent payment handling for data challenges in the Blockchain4DataMarketPlace. The proposed system will automate fund management, support dispute resolution processes, and provide transparent documentation of transactions, ensuring fairness and trust between Data ...
Exploring the potential of Solid Pods for the cultural sector offers an exciting opportunity to address challenges in data management, privacy, and interoperability. Solid Pods, a technology framework designed to enable individuals to store and control their data, promises transformative applications in the cultural sector. This thesis investigates how Solid Pods can be applied to ...
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate and extend a developing ontology of explainable data principles, an ongoing work aimed at establishing a structured framework for Data Explainability in AI systems. The current version of this ontology is in its early stages, primarily focused on defining key principles of Data Explainability and exploring their ...
The aim of this thesis is to extend the existing latency analysis of a psychomotor feedback engine within our existing MLOps pipeline . Building upon preliminary latency estimations, this thesis will focus on systematically evaluating each processing step in the pipeline, assessing both theoretical and practical contributions to the overall latency and throughput. By ...
This thesis focuses on developing a Transcriptome-Language Model (TLM) to effectively bridge the modality gap between transcriptomic data and natural language text. You will explore advanced models for transcriptomic data representation, and cross-modal learning techniques aligning transcriptomic and textual modalities. This model will be evaluated in tasks such as zero-shot cell property classification and text ...
This thesis aims to develop a single-cell-centric biomedical foundation model that leverages the capabilities of generative pre-trained transformers to enhance the analysis of single-cell RNA data. The model will address critical tasks in single-cell biology, such as cell-type annotation, perturbation prediction, identification of pathogenic cells, and gene network inference.
This thesis is co-supervised by Sikander Hayat ...
We are looking for a highly motivated master student to work on an innovative project for their master’s thesis as soon as possible. The project involves the implementation and evaluation of a programmable money approach utilizing verifiable credentials and zero knowledge proofs.
Large language models (LLMs) have proven the ability to assist diverse users in conducting a variety of individual tasks via intuitive and natural conversations. This thesis discusses a utilization of LLMs as a tool for informed decision-making in energy investments and operations. One major goal is to transform the way the consumers engage with home ...
Running Theses
The growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is reshaping power grids by introducing cybersecurity challenges that could be exploited to target both the EV and the power grid. This thesis focuses on vulnerabilities associated with EV charging and the effects of cyberattacks on grid stability and resilience. Of particular interest is the Open Charge Point ...
Conveying information in a tour traditionally either requires a real human or an audio recording. However, the human guide might not always be available and the quality in the tours varies. With audio recordings, extra care has to be taken to convey to the user which element is currently being talked about since there are ...
Learning content by heart can be facilitated by the method of Loci. In this mnemonic technique, the learner converts pieces of information into mental imagery. The imagined representations are then anchored in a location. If the learner then traverses a path through this location, the information can be remembered by recalling the mental imagery. However, ...
The emergence of large language models (LLMs), along with recent advances in mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR), enable new opportunities for applying virtual agents in education. These simulated humans can imitate real-life situations and interactions with native speakers, which leads to an immersive and engaging learning experience. Especially in VR, interactions can be ...
Large Language Models (LLM) can be applied to transform a natural language (NL)-based text input query into a NL-based text answer. A common use case are personal assistants, e.g., for learning activities. In such teaching contexts they can process knowledge recorded in plain text documents, create summarizations, or teach knowledge according to a curriculum. However, ...
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Completed Theses
Development of a hybrid Intrusion Detection System for EV Charging Stations
A Condensation-based Anonymization Approach for Intrusion Detection
Local Differential Privacy Preserving Intrusion Detection Systems
Mixed reality agents are simulated humans which can be viewed and interacted with on mixed reality technologies. For conveying content in educational settings, mixed reality agents have a series of advantages. They are part of a mixture of virtual elements with the real world, which provides opportunities where the agent can refer to points and ...
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