


Next to the research area of the Knowledge-based Systems Group (Prof. G. Lakemeyer, Ph. D.) and those of the three FIT professors Visual Knowledge Management/ Life Science Informatik (Prof. Dr. Berlage), Cooperation Systems/CSCW (Prof. Dr. Prinz)and Media Informatics/Media Processes (Prof. Dr. Rose), research at the chair contributes to the following fields:

Data Stream Management and Analysis

Data Stream Management and Analysis

Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS)

The Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group supports professional communities with heterogeneous needs by open and responsive community environments. Results of our research are advancing the emerging Web Science discipline by new analysis and engineering methodologies for large-scale and heterogeneous information systems.

Big Data & Model Management

Big data is a buzzword that summarizes various aspects of handling large amounts of heterogeneous data. The goals are to perform efficient analytics and to derive new information from large collection of potentially heterogeneous data. The heterogeneity of data is an important issue in big data: data is not only large in volume and produced ...

Computer Supported Cooperative Work – CSCW

The Cooperation Systems group (CSCW) develops and evaluates groupware and community systems for virtual teams and organizations.

Distributed Analytics (PADME)

Distributed Analytics (PADME)

Engineering Information Systems

To support and improve design, operating and work processes in plastics and chemical engineering, the Engineering Information Systems group works on fine grained support of cooperative work processes and an approach for metadata based information and knowledge management.

See also our current annual report (as well as previous editions) for a description of our research areas.