PD Dr. Ralf Klamma
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PD Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Klamma received his habilitation degree from RWTH Aachen University for the subject computer science in 2010. Also, he has a diploma degree (1995) and a doctoral degree (2000) both in computer science from RWTH Aachen University for works on process centered requirements engineering environments resp. on repositories for organizational memory systems. Currently, he is managing the research group Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) at the information systems chair, RWTH Aachen University. He is chief technology officer of WEKIT ECS, a holographic training company. He leads work packages in three BMBF projects on technology enhanced learning, tech4comp, MILKI-PSY and MyEduLife. He is principal investigator in the ERASMUS+ projects DE-TEL and AR-FOR-EU (finished). He was principal investigator in the H2020 project WEKIT, the FP7 ICT Integrating project Learning Layers, the FP7 ICT IP ROLE, the FP7 project TEL-MAP, the NoE GALA, the NoE PROLEARN as well as the LLL project TeLLNet. He way also principal investigator in DFG projects CONTICI and FK 427 "Media and Cultural Communication". His research covers community information systems, social computing, web science, social network analysis, technology enhanced learning, knowledge management, and new product development. In 2001, he spent several months as a visiting fellow at the MIT Entrepreneurship Center of Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to experience entrepreneurship teaching and research. He is co-founder of the holographic training company WEKIT ECS. He took over stand-in professorships and guest professorships at the TU Chemnitz, Germany, the University of Passau, Germany,the University of Klagenfurt, Austria, and the Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain. He has chaired many JTEL Summer Schools, EC-TEL, ICWL, ICWE, IEEE Ubi-Media and numerous other conferences and workshops. He serves as associate editor for Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) and other journals. He is member of the German Informatics Society (GI-29676). His ORCID number is 0000-0002-2296-3401 and his SCOPUS number is 6603333022. His RG profile is here.
- Bridge Course Databases (WS 2022)
- Mixed Reality Lab (WS 2022)
- Social Computing Seminar (WS 2022)
- Algorithmen für die Entdeckung von Communities in sozialen Netzwerken (SS 2022)
- Bridge Course Databases (SS 2022)
- Mixed Reality Lab (SS 2022)
- Social Computing (SS 2022)
- Web Science Seminar (SS 2022)
- Algorithmen für die Entdeckung von Communities in sozialen Netzwerken (WS 2021)
- Bridge Course Databases (WS 2021)
- High-tech Entrepreneurship and new Media (WS 2021)
- Mixed Reality Lab (WS 2021)
- Social Computing Seminar (WS 2021)
- Web Science (WS 2021)
- Mixed Reality Lab (SS 2021)
- Social Computing (SS 2021)
- Web Science Seminar (SS 2021)
- High-Tech Entrepreneurship and New Media (WS 2020)
- Mixed Reality Lab (WS 2020)
- Social Computing Seminar (WS 2020)
- Web Science (WS 2020)
- Mixed Reality Lab (SS 2020)
- Social Computing (SS 2020)
- Web Science Seminar (SS 2020)
- High-Tech Entrepreneurship and New Media (WS 2019)
- Mixed Reality Lab (WS 2019)
- Social Computing Seminar (WS 2019)
- Web Science (WS 2019)
- Social Computing (SS 2019)
- Web Science Seminar (SS 2019)
- High-Tech Entrepreneurship and New Media (WS 2018)
- Social Computing Seminar (WS 2018)
- MyEduLife – The blockchain as a tool for decentralized storage of individual continuing education biographies
- XRealiSE
- VIAProMa
- TrainSpot – Train-the-Trainer-HotSpot der Nationalen Bildungsplattform im Bereich der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung
- tech4comp – Personalisierte Kompetenzentwicklung durch skalierbare Mentoringprozesse
- Doctoral Education for Technology-Enhanced Learning (DE-TEL)
- Community Information Systems – A Social Capital Perspective (Running)
- Algorithmic Approaches to Overlapping Community Detection – Label Propagation Algorithm with Neighbor Node Influence (Finished)
- Algorithmic Approaches to Overlapping Community Detection – Local Optimization Algorithm based on Cliques (Finished)
- Algorithmic Approaches to Overlapping Community Detection – Clustering Graphs into Subgraphs (Finished)
- Algorithmic Approaches to Overlapping Community Detection – Community Overlap PRopagation Algorithm (COPRA) (Finished)
- Enhancing the Community Application Editor with Automated Tests & DevOpsUse Bots (Finished)
- How’s your experience? A blockchain-based framework for cookie sharing enabling adversarial diversity (Finished)
- Community Detection in Mediabases – Concepts for Cross-Media and Cross-Community Research (Finished)
- Collaborative Educational Escape Rooms for Mixed Reality (Finished)
- A Mixed Reality Browser for Literature Studies (Finished)
- Integration of a Social Shared Environment in Moodle (Finished)
- Algorithmic Approaches to Overlapping Community Detection – Memetic Link Clustering (Finished)
- GDPR-compliant Privacy Management in Learning Analytics (Finished)
- Component Crawler for Mixed Reality Projects (Finished)
- An Immersive Data Browser for Collaborative Mixed Reality (Finished)
- Persistent Association of Virtual Objects in Mixed Reality (Finished)
- Immersive 3D Presentations for Education (Finished)
- A Mixed Reality-Based Card Game for Formal and Informal Education (Finished)
- Immersive Curriculum and Learning Plan Visualizations in Mixed Reality (Finished)
- A Cognitive Modeling-Based Architecture for Realistic Agents in Mixed Reality (Finished)
- Privacy and Security in Mixed Reality Learning Environments by Input and User/Bot Interaction Protection (Finished)
- Systematic Evaluation Procedures of Mixed Reality Learning Applications (Finished)
- An Intelligent Menu Placement System for Mixed Reality Applications (Finished)
- Realitybox: A WebXR Library for Virtual Learning Environments (Finished)
- Reach for the Stars: Gamified Group Work in Mixed Reality (Finished)
- Realisation and Evaluation of Serious Memorization Games in Higher Education (Finished)
- Collaborative Immersive Learning Analytics (Finished)
- Interactions between Virtual Agents and Smart Objects in Mixed Reality Learning Applications (Finished)
- Detection of malicious social bots in online social networks using Artificial Immune Systems (Finished)
- Integrating the Interaction Flow Modeling Language Into The Community Application Editor (Finished)
- Utilize Chat Interfaces for Social Bot Creation (Finished)
- Gamification of Habit Forming in Distance Education (Finished)
- Affective Learning Recommendation Bot (Finished)
- A Social Bot Success Model (Finished)
- A Recommender System for Decentralized Question-Based Dialog (Finished)
- Utilize Mentoring Bots in Learning Management Systems (Finished)
- Web-based Cluster Deployment for a Large-Scale Distributed Infrastructure (Finished)
- Citation Recommendation Bot (Finished)
- Text Mining Techniques for Student Assessments (Finished)
- Chat Assessments with Social Bots (Finished)
- Versioning and Access Management in Web-Based Collaborative Model-Driven Web Engineering (Finished)
- Blockchain-based Verification of Learning Analytics Data (Finished)
- Secure and User-friendly Authentication for a Decentralized Service Platform (Finished)
- A Multimodal Mentoring Cockpit for Tutor Support (Finished)
- Chat Interfaces for Social Bots in a Peer-to-Peer Environment (Finished)
- Integrating End Users Into Service Success Evaluation Processes (Finished)
- Supporting Distributed Analytics Workflows with Monitoring and Transaction Bots (Finished)
- Conduct Surveys With the Help of Chatbots (Finished)
- Chatbot-assisted Community Analysis (Finished)
- Overlapping Community Detection for Botnet analysis on microblogging plattforms (Cancelled)
- Automated Feedback for Writing Literature Reviews (Cancelled)
- Web Frontend for exchange of NFT artwork (Cancelled)
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