

A Mixed Reality Browser for Literature Studies

February 7th, 2022

When working on a literature study, authors are presented with a large body of literature to find key contributions in. It can be challenging to identify relevant and important papers for the core topic of the literature study. Existing approaches like citation-networks and co-citation networks use references between papers to draw conclusions about their relatedness and popularity in the scientific community. Selected literature can then be collected in programs like Citavi. However, in such a case, the found papers can vanish in a large list of possible candidates for the literature study. Here, mixed reality can provide an interesting addition where researchers can lay out the literature virtually in their room to activate their spatial memory. Moreover, mixed reality has the potential to provide more options for visualizing the citation and co-citation networks as three dimensions are available. The depth perception could help users understand and navigate the network more intuitively.

Thesis Type
  • Bachelor
Sascha Thiemann
Submitted in
Presentation on
27/09/2022 11:45 am
Ralf Klamma
Benedikt Hensen

Hence, the goal of this thesis is to explore concepts and possible approaches to support literature studies with mixed reality. To do this, a prototype should be implemented as an extension for our collaborative project management framework VIAProMa. The prototype should find a suitable presentation form for organizing papers spatially. It should also address challenges of mixed reality like cumbersome typing and text display quality, e.g., by coming up with a hybrid solution in combination with applications on a PC. Moreover, immersive visualizations of citation and co-citation networks can be investigated to create 3D versions of them that can be anchored in the real space. The effectiveness and user acceptance of the chosen approaches should be evaluated in a user study.


Must: Good knowledge of C#

Beneficial: Experience with mixed reality, Unity and literature research

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